Installing MagicMirror

Hello Badgers,
How i can install & run MagicMirror - on my 100% synced node ?

it will be kickass project guys, please advise how to install it inside umbrel

You can’t. The operating system isn’t supported by MagicMirror as Umbrel runs on the lite version of Raspbian. It’s outlined right on their Requirements page:

However you can make a backup of the node; saving the channel database (if you have any opened channels), the 24 secret words, the ~/umbrel/bitcoin/blocks and ~/umbrel/bitcoin/chainstate folders; starting all over again and install the desktop version of Raspbian (now Raspberry Pi OS) and then install Umbrel from source instead of flashing the SD card. If you’re up for that, you can see the instructions on Then you can stop the Umbrel script then restore the backup (the blocks and chainstate folders) into their respective folders. So that way you’d start off the sync at around ~99% instead of 0%.