First congratulation for umbrel dev and to the community ! Amazing work.
I am trying to see my bitcoin node as public on https://bitnodes.io/
I already did the following
1 - click the Incoming connection option from Umbrel Bitcoin node s advance setting
2 - unclick : “outgoing to Tor peers” ; “Connect to all clearnet peers over Tor” and “outgoing connection to I2P peers”.
3 - Give a static IP address to my raspberrypi4 Umbrel
4 - Setup a forwarding port on my rooter (Port 8333 with the static IP address of my raspberrypi)
5 - reboot my rooter and Umbrel
I do see bytes / packets going through the dedicated port 8333 (firewall view)
I still have 7 to 11 peers…
Neither any mention of node from https://bitnodes.io/.
Could you please advice me ? Did I forgot something ?