I am a noobie
I added Bluewallet to Umbrel
Now I need to create a channel.
How do I create a channel? Is a channel specific to Blue wallet or anyone can use it?
Do I use my node onion address?
Thank you
I am a noobie
I added Bluewallet to Umbrel
Now I need to create a channel.
How do I create a channel? Is a channel specific to Blue wallet or anyone can use it?
Do I use my node onion address?
Thank you
I added funds into my BTC wallet. What is next?
Hop onto 1ml.com and search for Bluewallet. You most likely wouldn’t be able to open a channel directly to them but you can attempt it. You need their public address. Don’t bother opening up anything smaller then 1 million sats as smaller channels cause gridlock and you’ll have trouble routing. If you can not open a channel with Bluewallet look at the channels that Bluewallet has and open a channel to one of those nodes. Once the channel is opened you can try using Loop out to balance the channel as all the funds would be on the local side, meaning you can only send them out. Once Loop has done its magic you and other nodes can use your channel to send back and forth.
I found it took 4-7 channels before I could call it a reliable node to send and receive.
I also am having trouble getting the funds from my bitcoin wallet to my lightning wallet. The BlueWallet says I have x amount but they are not showing in my umbrel lightning wallet
I also am having trouble getting the funds from my bitcoin wallet to my lightning wallet. The BlueWallet says I have x amount but they are not showing in my umbrel lightning wallet
You open a channel and the funds on the local side will show up in your Lightning Wallet balance.
This isn’t moving funds like normal on chain, it is all done by moving funds from one side or the other of each channel. I suggest reading up about it or watching some videos on how this works. I’d hate to have you somehow lose funds due to not knowing what you don’t know. BTCSessions has a few good videos on Youtube that will be of great help. I’d link one here but don’t have a specific one for you to watch. Just search Umbrel Lightning and his videos should come up.
Thank you… I am all set it finally appeared in my Lightning wallet.
Yes, I have been watching BTC session and other YouTube Videos already to try to figure this out.
Good to hear you are all set!