How do I create an invoice to receive on a specific channel on my node?

When I create an invoice, the payment reaches my node and enters a channel with inbound available.
Is it possible to choose the channel I want to receive it on?

Afaik, you can only define last-hops paying an invoice.
Bolt11 allows including hop hints for private channels to find a route.

In case you you create the invoice and pay it by yourself, you could create the invoice, and then define the last hop with lncli payinvoice.

admin@debian-nuc ~ ฿ lncli payinvoice -h
   lncli payinvoice - Pay an invoice over lightning.

   lncli payinvoice [command options] pay_req


   --pay_req value              a zpay32 encoded payment request to fulfill
   --fee_limit value            maximum fee allowed in satoshis when sending the payment (default: 0)
   --fee_limit_percent value    percentage of the payment's amount used as the maximum fee allowed when sending the payment (default: 0)
   --timeout value              the maximum amount of time we should spend trying to fulfill the payment, failing after the timeout has elapsed (default: 1m0s)
   --cltv_limit value           the maximum time lock that may be used for this payment (default: 0)
   --last_hop value             pubkey of the last hop (penultimate node in the path) to route through for this payment
   --outgoing_chan_id value     short channel id of the outgoing channel to use for the first hop of the payment (default: 0)
   --force, -f                  will skip payment request confirmation
   --allow_self_payment         allow sending a circular payment to self
   --data value                 attach custom data to the payment. The required format is: <record_id>=<hex_value>,<record_id>=<hex_value>,.. For example: --data 3438382=0a21ff. Custom record ids start from 65536.
   --inflight_updates           if set, intermediate payment state updates will be displayed. Only valid in combination with --json.
   --max_parts value            the maximum number of partial payments that may be used (default: 16)
   --json                       if set, payment updates are printed as json messages. Set by default on Windows because table formatting is unsupported.
   --max_shard_size_sat value   the largest payment split that should be attempted if payment splitting is required to attempt a payment, specified in satoshis (default: 0)
   --max_shard_size_msat value  the largest payment split that should be attempted if payment splitting is required to attempt a payment, specified in milli-satoshis (default: 0)
   --amp                        if set to true, then AMP will be used to complete the payment
   --time_pref value            (optional) expresses time preference (range -1 to 1) (default: 0)
   --amt value                  (optional) number of satoshis to fulfill the invoice (default: 0)


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