How can I turn on https?

FYI for everyone is this thread.

We now have Cloudflare in the app-store which allows you to make apps accessible behind a public domain.

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True, but for some apps are still needed https locally, even Cloudflare doing the tunneling.

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Doesn’t the Cloudflare platform require a user account? If so, I’d prefer something more anonymous.

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Seconding the request about https. Is it planned in the roadmap?

Unvelievable this is not yet a reality (and how this is not priority at all), sure it’s one of the reasons why some people migrate to Citadel

I need HTTPS locally to make my btcpayserver work with cloudflare.

why would you let us install apps that require local https, but then we cannot use. makes no sense

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No, you don’t. When you create the tunnel on Cloudflare, you have the option of making a http connection to localhost and port. BTCpayserver will accept this encrypted tunnel from Cloudflare and you’ll get access to the full functionality. Your connection will be a https connection from your browser to your umbrel. The only unencrypted connection is between the Cloudflare service and the btcpayserver service, which only happens, and is contained to the localhost.

ntfy can’t show desktop notifications because the web Notifications API requires HTTPS


I have created a app which would run Umbrel in https using self signed certificates. Check out this discussion