Update: I followed these steps from the troubleshooting guide:
One Umbrel App do not start or it can’t be installed
If you have error that a specific Umbrel App do not start or it keeps staying in “installing”, maybe the docker container for that app it wasn’t installed correctly or it hangs.
Step 1 - Enter using SSH into your Umbrel node:
Step 2 - stop Umbrel node with:
cd umbrel
Normal Linux OS use
sudo ./scripts/stop
UmbrelOS (RPi) usesudo systemctl stop umbrel-startup
Step 3 - clean / reconfigure the broken container:
sudo rm .env && sudo ./scripts/configure
Step 4 - apply latest Umbrel update (replace the version number with the latest):
sudo ./scripts/update/update --repo getumbrel/umbrel#v0.4.17
Restart your node:
Normal Linux OS use
sudo ./scripts/start
UmbrelOS (RPi) usesudo systemctl start umbrel-startup
You can open Umbrel dashboard, but wait until latest blocks are catching up and also electrs is synced. All txs and channels will appear after a while.
I hope the above was the correct way to face my mempool error?
Channels and txs are not showing right now, it has been taking more than an hour now. Will update if anything changes.