Full-Drive Backup Solutions?

I know how to recover funds from my channels if my drive fails, but now I’ve got all this other app data that I want to put on my node—password manager data, nextcloud files etc. The thing that’s holding me back is I don’t know how to recover that stuff if my drive fails. Does anybody know of any backup utilities for Umbrel (running on a pi) that could help me recover my drive? So far the best I can figure is that I should just use Macrium to clone the disk to a backup periodically but I’d rather something automated and frequent.

There’s a pull request to add Duplicati as an app, which would allow you to create scheduled backups, with the option of saving it somewhere else in case of a local drive fail.

That’s interesting. So then once this PR is merged & the app is available, would that let me do a “carbon-copy” restore in the event of drive failure? I.e. I hook up a fresh new HDD, restore from the backup, and then all of my files, configurations, channel balances etc. are as they were before?