First Umbrel Install Failure, Can't Find Issue in Logs

I’m trying to debug where my Umbrel set up failed. I’m currently connected over wifi via wpa_supplicant.conf, and that seems to work fine (when running ping over ssh umbrel@umbrel.local), but the IBD for Bitcoin/Tor, etc. doesn’t seem to be downloading.

Some more info:
Raspberry Pi 4, 1 TB microSD (flashed with UmbrelOS), Argon M.2 set up with the M2.5 SATA SSD 1TB Western Digital

If it’s an issue with my embedded SSD as opposed to a USB SSD, what’s the best way for me to link the docker instructions to the new SSD? I know how to link/format it since I’ve done a Raspiblitz setup before. Otherwise, if I’m off then ignore then.

I’ve attached the logs below (since I can’t attach files as a new user).

= Umbrel debug info =

Umbrel version

Flashed OS version

Raspberry Pi Model
Revision	: b03114
Serial		: 10000000a2131064
Model		: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.4

Oct 29 2021 10:47:33 
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version b8a114e5a9877e91ca8f26d1a5ce904b2ad3cf13 (clean) (release) (start)



Memory usage
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           1.8G        148M        1.4G         31M        301M        1.6G
Swap:          4.1G          0B        4.1G

total: 8.1%
system: 8.1%
tor: 0%
lnd: 0%
electrs: 0%
bitcoin: 0%

Memory monitor logs
tail: cannot open '/home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/../logs/memory-monitor.log' for reading: No such file or directory

Filesystem information
Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root       939G  3.0G  898G   1% /
/dev/sda1       916G  4.5G  865G   1% /home/umbrel/umbrel

Startup service logs
Dec 22 15:49:53 umbrel umbrel startup[29087]: ========= UMBREL (mainnet) ===========
Dec 22 15:49:53 umbrel umbrel startup[29087]: ======================================
Dec 22 15:49:57 umbrel umbrel startup[29087]: Skipping lnd.conf update to preserve user changes...
Dec 22 15:49:57 umbrel umbrel startup[29087]: Generating hidden services...
Dec 22 15:49:58 umbrel umbrel startup[29087]: stat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/ac2888558405d4b4eabd2fe506ef70dca4512a2079331f51fcf0ab6e5b803ef9: no such file or directory
Dec 22 15:49:58 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Dec 22 15:49:58 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Dec 22 15:49:58 umbrel systemd[1]: Failed to start Umbrel Startup Service.
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Service RestartSec=10s expired, scheduling restart.
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1840.
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel systemd[1]: Stopped Umbrel Startup Service.
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting Umbrel Startup Service...
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: ======================================
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: ============ CONFIGURING =============
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: ========= UMBREL (mainnet) ===========
Dec 22 15:50:08 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: ======================================
Dec 22 15:50:12 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: Skipping lnd.conf update to preserve user changes...
Dec 22 15:50:12 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: Generating hidden services...
Dec 22 15:50:14 umbrel umbrel startup[30197]: stat /var/lib/docker/overlay2/ac2888558405d4b4eabd2fe506ef70dca4512a2079331f51fcf0ab6e5b803ef9: no such file or directory
Dec 22 15:50:14 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Dec 22 15:50:14 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Dec 22 15:50:14 umbrel systemd[1]: Failed to start Umbrel Startup Service.
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Service RestartSec=10s expired, scheduling restart.
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-startup.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1841.
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel systemd[1]: Stopped Umbrel Startup Service.
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting Umbrel Startup Service...
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel umbrel startup[31340]: ======================================
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel umbrel startup[31340]: ============ CONFIGURING =============
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel umbrel startup[31340]: ========= UMBREL (mainnet) ===========
Dec 22 15:50:24 umbrel umbrel startup[31340]: ======================================

External storage service logs
-- Logs begin at Wed 2021-12-22 07:44:37 UTC, end at Wed 2021-12-22 15:50:26 UTC. --
Dec 22 07:44:42 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting External Storage Mounter...
Dec 22 07:44:42 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Running external storage mount script...
Dec 22 07:44:42 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Found device "Argon Forty"
Dec 22 07:44:42 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Blacklisting USB device IDs against UAS driver...
Dec 22 07:44:42 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Rebinding USB drivers...
Dec 22 07:44:43 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking USB devices are back...
Dec 22 07:44:43 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Waiting for USB devices...
Dec 22 07:44:44 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Waiting for USB devices...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking if the device is ext4...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Yes, it is ext4
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking if device contains an Umbrel install...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Yes, it contains an Umbrel install
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Bind mounting external storage over local Umbrel installation...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Bind mounting external storage over local Docker data dir...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Bind mounting external storage to /swap
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Bind mounting SD card root at /sd-card...
Dec 22 07:44:45 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking Umbrel root is now on external storage...
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking /var/lib/docker is now on external storage...
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking /swap is now on external storage...
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Setting up swapfile
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 4 GiB (4294963200 bytes)
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: no label, UUID=167580ac-fe14-42a8-a002-fb9f98ff454c
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Checking SD Card root is bind mounted at /sd-root...
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Starting external drive mount monitor...
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel external storage mounter[508]: Mount script completed successfully!
Dec 22 07:44:46 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage Mounter.

External storage SD card update service logs
-- Logs begin at Wed 2021-12-22 07:44:37 UTC, end at Wed 2021-12-22 15:50:26 UTC. --
Dec 22 07:44:57 umbrel systemd[1]: Starting External Storage SDcard Updater...
Dec 22 07:44:57 umbrel external storage updater[959]: Checking if SD card Umbrel is newer than external storage...
Dec 22 07:44:57 umbrel external storage updater[959]: No, SD version is not newer, exiting.
Dec 22 07:44:57 umbrel systemd[1]: Started External Storage SDcard Updater.

Karen logs

tail: cannot open 'logs/karen.log' for reading: No such file or directory

Docker containers

Umbrel logs

Attaching to 

Bitcoin Core logs

Attaching to 

LND logs

Attaching to 

electrs logs

Attaching to 

Tor logs

Attaching to 
==== Result ====
The debug script did not automatically detect any issues with your Umbrel.

It is full of failures on the “Service Startup Logs”…
Perhaps a reboot fix it, if SSD is not corrupted.

I’ve rebooted it about 3-4 times now and reproduce the same errors.

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Wait for a expert here to help, if not, you may exclude umbrel partition in SSD and do a clean install.
Before doing that, don’t forget to save the “channel.bakcup” file, to recover your ligthning funds.

Thanks for that, @LoboGuara. To clarify, this is actually a clean install and the first time I’m installing UmbrelOS onto my Raspberry Pi without any data in my SSD.

If SSD or SD card is corrupted, only excluding all partitions to make them good to use again.
You can try SSH the umbrel and give command ‘dmesg’, it can show hardware failures, but is not easy to analyse that.
What is the power supply you use? Corruptions are caused by bad quality power supply and also for bad quality cables and its connectors.

only excluding all partitions to make them good to use again

What do you mean by this? Should I look into the /dev partitions in the OS?

I’l check dmesg and see what comes out of that.

As for the power supply, I’m using the one that Raspberry provides. I’ve used this for past node runs and haven’t had issues with that.

I use Windows to exclude partitions, in Disk Management app.
If you exclude all partitions, the device will (have to) be formated, before use. Umbrel auto formats that excluded partitions disk (SSD).
For SD cards, imager app always formats it before writing data to it.

What does Umbrel auto-format it to? I run a Mac and have these options:

  • MS-DOS (FAT21)
  • MS-DOS (FAT)
  • ExFAT
  • Other Mac related extensions

Umbrel uses Ext-4. It reformats SSD if finds a different system.

It looks like the drive itself is okay, though I wonder if there’s anything power-related with your setup given the fact that it seems like your startup is stalling. Let me know if reflashing the SD card and reformatting the SSD doesn’t do anything.

Unmounting and reformatting the SSD did the trick. Thanks @jonsyu

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