ElectrumX - taking very long to synch

I have downloaded the ElectrumX to use with my Sparrow Wallet. So far, after 24 hours, it is still synching. Right now, it is 50% synched. How long does it usually take?

If you tell me what hardware you are using, I can tell you if it is normal. :wink:

Raspberry pi4

Then it can actually take that long. The synchronization should be completed after 24-48 hours.

It’s been three days now. I’m at 59% now. Just out of curiosity, in order for my wallet to plug into umbrel, do I need to use the Election server? Is that the only way?

You should be patient. It is the only way to connect your wallet to Umbrel.

Any Electrum server takes a long to sync in slower computers. ElectrumX, as far as I know, can take ~2 weeks to sync in a RPi.

Yes, I noticed that. It also slows down the RPi such that it slows down the routing of payments and balancing of channels.