I would like to use a Dynamic DNS in order to have my BTCPAYserver on an HTTPS adress (not tor or intranet Dynamic DNS Service | BTCPay Server). I choosed DuckDNS (Duck DNS - install, but it could be https://www.noip.com/, Domain Name System (DNS) | Oracle, https://domains.google/ or Buy and Sell Domain Names | Dan.com) and there is a special specificaltion for pi (Duck DNS - install) :
As anyone also tried or knows anything about compatibility or security before I try (I don’t want to “re-invent hotwater”…) ?
Thanks a lot by advance 
In the case of people who do not have a static IP at home due to their ISP (Internet Service Provider), I believe it is necessary to configure it with Duck DNS or a similar service.
I am not a programmer, but from what I understand from @jorijn’s guide, the first step is to register a subdomain with the router’s IP (home IP) for it to work. However, since it is dynamic, it will stop working and the record will need to be updated manually.
If I’m mistaken, please let me know. Additionally, I’ve detailed certain terms so that non-technical new users can better understand.