Hi everyone,
im working on my own custom app store and starting with some requirements for my home network.
the prerequisite to use my own app store are done and i can install apps.
my problem is that im not able to create writable files with the compose file. the docker-compose create folders/ directories but not map the directories to the image.
for example:
version: “3.7”
APP_HOST: myfirstapp-ubuntu-squid-proxy_1
APP_PORT: 3128
container_name: myfirstapp-ubuntu-squid-proxy_app_proxy_1server:
image: ubuntu/squid:latest
- ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/logs:/var/log/squid
- ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data:/var/spool/squid
- ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/config:/etc/squid/config
- ${APP_DATA_DIR}/data/snippet:/etc/squid/conf.d/snippet.conf
PUID: 1000
PGID: 1000
restart: on-failure
the app can succesfull installed, but the logfile show me some permission errors:
2025/01/12 17:29:21| ERROR: Cannot open cache_log (/var/log/squid/cache.log) for writing; myfirstapp-ubuntu-squid-proxy_server_1 | fopen(3) error: (13) Permission denied
i change the directories to:
sudo chown -R 1000:1000 /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/myfirstapp-ubuntu-squid-proxy/data/logs
sudo chmod -R 755 /home/umbrel/umbrel/app-data/myfirstapp-ubuntu-squid-proxy/data/logs
but with no effect.
could someone please asstist me to the right permission? is this just a permission problem or something different?
many thanks André