Channel Opened, but no channel details!

So opened a channel with bfx-lnd1 the other day and while its open. I can’t do anything with it. No amboss channel details comes up, I can’t even close the channel. Any idea what to do on this one?

Is it maybe a private channel you opened ? You won’t see those on Amboss or 1ML.

Standard Thunderhub open, certainly acts like a private channel though. I think I maybe I got caught up in that last LND update? I did fortunately gain the ability to balance the channel now and change rates. So least LNDg can use the channel now.

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Sadly the recent update doesn’t seemed to have triggered the channel details to emerge. just gives me a blank page. According to Amboss nothing is coming from the channel, and has nothing as well. so kinda at a loss a on this one. Worried since it opened bad, what will closing do…

Some LNDg info:

Capacity: 10,000,000 | Is Open: True | Is Active: True | Is Private: False | Channel Updates: 48

Channel Point: 04b1b0802e0861123f35f642442158396ad16539e8fcbefaba831495f97850c7:0 | Opened In: 759,151 | Opener: Local