I did order a new RaspberryPi but it got delivered to the wrong city and house so now i got to wait for that to get fixed. Im still letting it sync and its at 54.69%
Before gathering things, you have to test the external storage system (ssd/usb3 cable/sata adapter), as they are the likelly cause of this problems.
Test the ssd copy speed, write a large file to ssd and then do a copy of that file to the ssd. Copy speed should be no less than 100MB/s for a health external storage system.
If copy speed is lower, change the usb3 cable or the sata adapter to find which is broken.
PS. Don´t try be smarter than everybody, use only recommended parts.
So I think the issue is with the Raspberry Pi. The external SSD is definitely a 3.0 and there is nothing wrong with it. I can move files to and from it extremely fast. I ended up taking down one of my Monero mining laptops and installed umbrel on it and i used the same SSD drive. In less than 12 hours, its already synced 21% of the blockchain. I do have another Raspberry Pi on order but its going to be a couple weeks before getting here. Oh, and I hope what i did here isnt deemed “trying to be smarter than everybody”"
As you got the time, do a firmware update to your RaspPi. Then try testing the power supply, by using another official or a 3A cell charger. Maybe it is issued.
Do you still have only 8 peers connected? That´s strange. For me I get normally 11, some times 12 peers. Not decisive, but the more peers, better, as you may get a fast and full syncro-ed peer. You can try shuting down Umbrel for a 1-2 hours to try change those peers.
update: since turning one of my linux laptops into an umbrel server using the same ssd drive, the slow syncing is no longer an issue. its been running a little less than 2 days and its already at 46% done with syncing. when i get my new raspberry pi, i will try on it to see if it works ok
finale update - new raspberri pi synced entire btc blockchain in 8 days using the same external ssd drive above; chunking the old raspberry pi
Hello there!
I have the same issue,
please help me
You can try a new raspberry pi like i did or maybe an old laptop. Thats what worked for me
I was struggeling with the same issue since month. I run some speed tests and it was my usb-cable. I interchanged it with an original one which came with the SSD Nvme external housing and the speed was increased by 10 times.
I’m impressed how fast Umbrel is now booting up and starting all the apps.
Thanks a lot and kind regards