About 12 days ago my node decided (perhaps because we had a power outage and I have procrastinated purchasing a UPS) to stop getting new block updates. It is stuck on block 873,688 which it thinks is the latest because it says 100% synchronized, but as of now we’re at block 875,474.
I am having trouble parsing the errors in my log (below) but I see a lot of this:
“Device unauthorized; attempting reauthorization”
Failed to authorize with "": failed to build authorization request: failed to obtain authorization message data: failed to obtain identity data: failed to call /usr/share/mender/identity/mender-device-identity: fork/exec /usr/share/mender/identity/mender-device-identity: no such file or directory"
Anybody have similar errors or know how to fix?
My umbrel log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UW0uYB9CH1sDyYR2b97BoUQyd5UuDy7g/view?usp=drive_link