Hello everyone,
I have a question about bitcoin core. My node works fine on first look. connected with 34 peers over Clearnet, Tor and I2P. but nevertheless I still got some problems.
But when I try to look on https://bitnodes.io my node doesn’t online if I fill in my ipv4 address. Which is strange because ipv6 is disabled on the router. And when I check the port 8333 on ipv4 it appeared open.
So then I started trouble shooting the problem which resulted in looking to the connection in the terminal with bitcoin-cli getnetworkinfo
this gave as result:
"localaddresses": [
"address": "my own.onion",
"port": 8333,
"score": 4
"address": "my own.i2p",
"port": 0,
"score": 4
"warnings": ""
which is is weird because my bitcoin.conf is setup like this:
# [network]
# Connect to peers over the clearnet.
# Use separate SOCKS5 proxy <ip:port> to reach peers via Tor hidden services.
Which is also seen here.
When I found this out I tried to put my tor address in bitnode and just as aspected the node appeared online. Now am I wondering how I can get my ipv4 address in the localaddresses. And in bitcode.
I already tried the following things:
bitcoin-cli addnode My-Ipv4 onetry
- add in bitcoin.conf
So I don’t now what to do anymore and I was wondering if somebody could help with this.