App for self-hosting www

Hi all!

Is there an app within Umbrel that would allow me to self-host website/webapps?


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For the moment, using Portainer and Cloudflare tunnels is the best bet, but you will need to be familiar with running docker containers.

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Any good documentation for doing this for Umbrel, to become familiar with it?
Many online tutorials and documentation don’t take Umbrel’s unique non-standard setup into account.

Hi @smolgrrr Do you mean that we have to convert the website into a docker container and the export to internet using these two apps?

You can use pre-made Docker server images such as these ones:

You can perform a bind mount to share the WWW root directory with the web server like so in your compose file:


(or whatever the equivalent path is for that specific web server image)

This will allow you to serve your static HTML files without building your own Docker image or making custom web apps using various frameworks.

Below is an example compose file for a web server using NGINX:

version: '3'

    image: nginx:latest
      - "8080:80"
      - ./src:/usr/share/nginx/html
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