After manually updating to 0.4.8, balances don't appear

Hi all. My Umbrel 0.4.8 update via the web interface failed so I ran it manually from the command line. After completing, it has been unable to load my balances and all services except the blockchain syncing appear to be down. I let it run for several hours to see if it would eventually come back, but it hasn’t.

How do I go about fixing this? Does it require a full restore or is there a simpler remedy?

Just wait. Electrs also has to do a index of the blocks and could take a while (but not too long).

Nooo. Restore node is the last resort.
You can look into modules logs to see the statuses, but do not interrupt the process of catching up. Patience is the key.

SSH into node, then run:
cd umbrel
docker-compose logs electrs - see if is finished (is at latest block)
replace electrs with bitcoin, or lnd or tor to see other modules.

You think 24 hours would be enough? I’ll check back tomorrow and update in this thread.

I’m seeing a bunch of errors in the lnd log:

lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:30.926 [INF] LTND: Waiting for wallet encryption password. Use `lncli create` to create a wallet, `lncli unlock` to unlock an existing wallet, or `lncli changepassword` to change the password of an existing wallet and unlock it.
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:31.888 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:33.894 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:35.899 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:37.905 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:39.910 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:41.917 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.429 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/WalletBalance]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.430 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.432 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.432 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.441 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/PendingChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.441 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetTransactions]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.509 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:43.923 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:45.930 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:47.935 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:48.534 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/SubscribeInvoices]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:48.534 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:48.534 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:48.535 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/DescribeGraph]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:48.535 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:49.940 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:51.944 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:53.949 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:55.953 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:56.676 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:56.678 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:57.957 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:47:59.963 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:01.968 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.263 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/WalletBalance]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.263 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.263 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetTransactions]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.272 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.273 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.275 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/PendingChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.343 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:03.973 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:05.978 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:07.983 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:09.987 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:11.992 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:13.996 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:16.000 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:17.752 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:18.004 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:20.009 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:22.014 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.475 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetTransactions]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.477 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/WalletBalance]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.478 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.479 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/PendingChannels]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.479 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListInvoices]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.484 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:23.651 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/ListPayments]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:24.020 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access
lnd                  | 2021-11-16 03:48:24.408 [ERR] RPCS: [/lnrpc.Lightning/GetInfo]: wallet locked, unlock it to enable full RPC access

@DarthCoin Could it be the same issue as this?

1 Like


After waiting overnight, I’ve performed the above steps including reflashing the SD and attempting to unlock and it is still not working.

**umbrel@umbrel**:**~/umbrel $** cd ~/umbrel && docker-compose exec lnd /bin/bash

bash-5.1$ lncli unlock

Input wallet password:

lnd successfully unlocked!

bash-5.1$ **umbrel@umbrel**:**~**/home/umbrel/umbrel/bin/lncli state


"state": "LOCKED"


**umbrel@umbrel**:**~/umbrel $**

OK, now open umbrel dashboard and put your password. That will unlock it. Or it should.

Nothing changed.

@louneskmt or @lukechilds maybe can help more in this case.

Thanks for your help so far. Here’s an update. I performed the “last line of defense” method detailed here:

Last line of defense: Make a copy of your lnd.conf. and then 
delete your conf with rm ~/umbrel/lnd/lnd.conf && ~/umbrel/scripts/configure && sudo reboot

I now see my Lightning balances again, but BTC balance shows 0. Someone said to look for a wallet.dat file, but it’s not in the bitcoin directory at all.

umbrel@umbrel:~ $ ls -l umbrel/bitcoin
total 21440
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel       37 Mar 20  2021 banlist.dat
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel       34 Oct  8 14:30 banlist.json
-rw-r--r-- 1 umbrel umbrel      945 Nov 16 16:15 bitcoin.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 umbrel umbrel      946 Oct 24 05:05
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel        2 Nov 16 16:25
drwx------ 3 umbrel umbrel   155648 Nov 16 05:31 blocks
drwx------ 2 umbrel umbrel    94208 Nov 16 16:40 chainstate
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel 10514276 Nov 16 16:57 debug.log
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel   247985 Nov 16 16:24 fee_estimates.dat
drwx------ 4 umbrel umbrel     4096 Oct 24 05:04 indexes
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel  3436192 Nov 16 16:24 mempool.dat
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel  3785965 Oct 12 22:04 peers.d151
-rw------- 1 umbrel umbrel  3676996 Nov 16 16:57 peers.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 umbrel umbrel        7 Nov 16 16:25 settings.json

I am also unable to generate a BTC deposit address. I know I can recover the funds using Bluewallet, but how do I go about fixing the wallet on the node?

Just wait for the onchain wallet to re-scan the addresses and electrs to reindex

OK, posting my electrs and bitcoin logs in case there’s something in here that you see.

So bitcoin and electrs are synced… strange

Yeah, but the wallet is just not there anymore.

No. Umbrel doesn’t use wallet.dat file like core. Who told you that, have npo idea about nodes and in special how a LND node works.
Umbrel is a LND AEZEED node, that means the onchain wallet is NOT in a wallet.dat file, but in a wallet.db and channels.db located in another place
<lnd folder>/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/wallet.db
<lnd folder>/data/graph/mainnet/channel.db

I see those files.

LND logs if helpful:

I am starting to see old BTC transactions appear. I guess your advice to wait is the best option! I assume my channels will all stay down until this is complete?