Adding custom apps?

I looked to see if there was a guide for custom apps and didn’t see anything, is this possible in Umbrel? :innocent:

Yes, it is possible! Anyone can upload any app to use on their Umbrel utilizing the community apps

Details on that are here, you follow that template to add your app, and then you can click the three dots in App Store > Community App Store > then you can paste the link to your custom app repository and it populates as shown in the demo video there

This is different than submitting an app to the Umbrel App Store, and anyone can run whatever they’d like this way on their Umbrel!


As I’m really new to Docker (few months) and I’m not in the IT field, would I fork the and then add my desired docker-compose.yaml files for the apps I want to run? Is that how it works? :thinking:

Hi any guidance on how to add apps to the template ?

Hey @vision2profits and @fbrichs. We’ve revised the instructions on GitHub - getumbrel/umbrel-community-app-store: Template repository for a creating your own Community App Store for Umbrel. Click "Use this template" and add your apps! to be more clear and helpful on how to create your own Community App Store with your own apps. Hoping this would help! Also, feel free to let us know what apps you’d like to use. Potentially, we can fast-track their inclusion in the official Umbrel App Store.

Hey @mayank thanks for the follow up.
In my case I want to install a CalDAV and CardDAV server, I was looking at Radicale, GitHub - Kozea/Radicale: A simple CalDAV (calendar) and CardDAV (contact) server.

I’m French so please excuse my English :sweat_smile:
I wanted to use Crafty to manage Minecraft servers and it’s not on the official store… And I saw on the forum that you could speed up the addition to the official store. So thank you if you do it and then otherwise I would try to see what I can do with the template.