Access umbrel.local / IP denied via browser but SSH connection possible

Hi there,

everything ran super smooth for approx. 2 weeks, somehow I can’t access the umbrel dashboard anymore - not via “http:umbrel.local” or via the IP address. However I can access via SSH and I also updated manually to 0.3.9 - this is the setup (all recommended hardware, also official power supply …) :

Debug logs:

Would love to find a solution here, tried to:

  • reboot via ssh -t umbrel@umbrel.local “sudo reboot” --> no luck
  • added umbrel to hosts (Mac) --> no luck
  • tried different devices in the same network --> no luck

I am pretty much out of ideas, appreciate any help - Cheers!

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Ok! This seems like it’s the issue:

     umbrel-external-storage-sdcard-update.service - External Storage SDcard Update
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/umbrel-external-storage-sdcard-update.ser
   Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sat 2021-05-01 20:01:39 UTC; 13h ago
  Process: 966 ExecStart=/home/umbrel/umbrel/scripts/umbrel-os/external-storage/
 Main PID: 966 (code=exited, status=2)

May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: Yes, it does, attempting a
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: ==========================
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: =============== UPDATE ===
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: ==========================
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: ========== Stage: Download
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: ==========================
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel external storage updater[966]: An update is already in pr
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-external-storage-sdcard-update.service
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel systemd[1]: umbrel-external-storage-sdcard-update.service
May 01 20:01:39 umbrel systemd[1]: Failed to start External Storage SDcard Updat
lines 1-16/16 (END)

What do you suggest I do? I already flashed the SDcard once with the newest update 0.3.9, should I do it again?

I tried to update via SSH before I flashed the SDcard, did I brake the update progress via the flash maybe?

aaand I am back

So what was the issue? The update was stuck and I had to stop it + reboot?

Cheers and thank you @aarondewes

I just installed it yesterday and everything was fine until it wasn’t and now I can’t access the dashboard as well, either through IP or Umbrel.local but can SSH.

Umbrel was already on the latest version so I don’t think it would be an update issue.

Here is the log:

Thank in advance for any help!