Umbrel - recovery LN-Wallet

Hello Team

My Umbrel crashed and I setup a new one.
So I have a backup file and I like to recovery my LN-Wallet.
I mean I like to use my old LN-Wallet with the new umbrel. How can I do this?

Thanks for support.


I have the backup file. I will try following.

  1. step
    hostname1:~ username$ scp /Users/username/Documents/umbrel/ umbrel@hostname2:~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd/

  2. step
    umbrel@umbrel:~/umbrel/app-data/lightning/data/lnd $ cd ~/umbrel && ./bin/lncli restorechanbackup --multi_file /data/.lnd/channel.backup

Hope it works…

wasn’t fine here…

just used this way:

now I can see my 24 words… …why they are in cleartext? This scary me.