Hardware Raberry Pi 5, 8MB RAM, external SSD disk 1TB
OS: Ubuntu 23.10
Installation command: sudo curl -L https://umbrel.sh | bash – s – --install-path /my_path/umbrel
I have this error:
“Creating auth … done
el/jwt: operation not permitted
ERROR: for manager. Cannot start service manager: error while creating mount source path ‚/my_path/jwt‘ : chown /my_path/jwt: operation not permitted
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
Failed to start containers.
Skipping status update when not on Umbrel OS”
When I install to default home foder, no error. But SD card has only 32GB. It is not enough space for block chain. I suppose, there is no possibility to choose another space for block chain storage.
Any idea? Many thanks