Umbrel Host name Verification failure

New lightning noob needs some hand holding…

I recently changed my PC name and when I re-flashed my umbrel I can no longer SSH into it. I am able to access it through umbrel.local however, I am trying to restore my backup channels and I am not able to without SSH into it. I keep getting a host verification error.

I’ve seen topics on it but I can’t seem to figure out how to delete the host name, I tried using the key regen which can’t seem to find the key… need some help…I am using windows 10.

I’ve seen several threads including

nothing seems to work. My command center does not seem to recognize any of the suggested commands…


Just go to that folder pon your local PC and delete the files inside.

Delete the file C:\\Users\\Andrew Yang/.ssh/known_hosts and try again.

Thank you, found the file