Starting New Containers

Please help after a day and half trying to load im now stuck on Starting new containers! Today spent the day in ssh and troubleshooting and no luck… If anyone with help please lmk this happened after new update!

If you are on RaspPi, shut it down graceful and take out the mSD card and reflash it with latest Umbrel version.
Sometimes those little cards get dizzy and need a fresh format.
No worry all user data is on SSD, only the OS is on mSD.

1 Like

still any fix im still stuck :frowning:

Look in the troubleshooting manual it is explained there what to do when containers fail to start

what category would it fall under?? And i cant get into my SSH

@Frahnk read above to restore access to ssh before continuing the process below

it now says my remote host id has changed

Ok, cool! something changed :slight_smile: Now you should be able to delete the file on C:\Users\tring/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of the @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! @ message and:

  • shut down your modem, router and your Umbrel.
  • Then boot them all back up one by one
    • wait for full lights confirmation before proceeding to
    • booting up the next device

Hope it helps!

no no work what did you mean by delete the file??

that file, on your local PC from where you access SSH. It says clearly.

how doews one delete that tho

If you don’t know how to delete a file in your own computer, then… I don’t know if you will be capable to run and maintain a node. Seriously.
Just leave it.

no i know to but i cant fin that file or anything i am on a ras pi

Ok finally did my reserch and looked at a dummies guide i found it and delete it thanks whats next boss

Maybe share the process and the links that have been useful for you? so other people will benefit from it :slight_smile:

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Only thing is ive been stuck on this page now for days i thought i was all set

(Starting new containers hängs)

Hello community
Since a week after the update I only see this picture.
But my node is running and everything is normal with Ride The Lightning or Thunderhub in the lightning network. According to the error messages, there is probably a problem with the mempool connection?
I don’t know if this is important but before the update I tried to set up the Blue Wallet app but that didn’t work
When I start the node I have the errors:
WARNING: The APP_MEMPOOL_PORT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The APP_MEMPOOL_HIDDEN_SERVICE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.

Does anyone know the problem ?!

Regards from Switzerland


roland@roland-Macmini:~/umbrel$ sudo ./scripts/start
[sudo] password for roland:
Skipping status update when not on Umbrel OS


============= STARTING ===============
============== UMBREL ================

Setting environment variables…

Starting karen…

Starting status monitors…
Starting memory monitor…

Starting backup monitor…

Starting decoy backup trigger…

Starting Docker services…

auth is up-to-date
dashboard is up-to-date
tor is up-to-date
manager is up-to-date
middleware is up-to-date
nginx is up-to-date

Removing status server iptables entry…
Exiting iptables setup when not on Umbrel OS

Starting installed apps…

Starting app btcpay-server…
Starting app lightning…
Starting app bluewallet…
Starting app bitcoin…
Starting app thunderhub…
Starting app electrs…
Starting app lndg…
Starting app ride-the-lightning…
Starting app lnbits…
Starting app lightning-shell…
WARNING: The APP_MEMPOOL_PORT variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
WARNING: The APP_MEMPOOL_HIDDEN_SERVICE variable is not set. Defaulting to a blank string.
electrs_electrs_1 is up-to-date
electrs_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
electrs_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
electrs_app_1 is up-to-date
lndg_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
lndg_web_1 is up-to-date
lndg_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
bluewallet_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
bluewallet_redis_1 is up-to-date
bluewallet_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
bluewallet_lndhub_1 is up-to-date
lnbits_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
lnbits_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
lnbits_web_1 is up-to-date
thunderhub_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
thunderhub_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
bitcoin_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
thunderhub_web_1 is up-to-date
bitcoin_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
bitcoin_bitcoind_1 is up-to-date
lightning_lnd_1 is up-to-date
bitcoin_server_1 is up-to-date
lightning_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
lightning_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
lightning_app_1 is up-to-date
ride-the-lightning_boltz_1 is up-to-date
ride-the-lightning_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
ride-the-lightning_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
ride-the-lightning_web_1 is up-to-date
lightning-shell_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
lightning-shell_web_1 is up-to-date
lightning-shell_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
btcpay-server_app_proxy_1 is up-to-date
btcpay-server_tor_server_1 is up-to-date
btcpay-server_postgres_1 is up-to-date
btcpay-server_nbxplorer_1 is up-to-date
btcpay-server_web_1 is up-to-date

Umbrel is now accessible at