Public Pool testnet

Is it possible to run a testnet pool? I have the bitcoin app with testnet 100% sync.
Network hashrate and block height seems correct:

I tried to connect a nerdminer and a bitaxe without success. Anyone already tried, any hint?

I have tried… what I did was download Knots just the (testnet3) 75gb, when I was just downloading the testnet, Datum would show “whatever” block I was on with the download. and it gave testnet info. to dial in dont use the datum-beta1.ocean… use >
, stratum+tcp://192.“nodes ip” :23334
testnet3 address tb1232334354545465lfg
I did use x as a password???

watch this vid and you will be able to change the config to enter your address etc. it was hashing but something wasn’t right… this is as close as I got… Datum testnet uses 9332 as the rpc port… about halfway thru this vid it will show you how to get to the config.