Plex file chaos

I am setting up Umbrel home as Bitcoin node and it runs flawlessly. I moved from Raspi4 to my Umbrel home and have no complaints.

But when i try to set up Plex I am running into chaos and i feel lost

  1. When trying to connect from a Mac mini to Umbrel home, i am ending up in a directory named “storage”. I copied some media files into “storage”
  2. When trying to set up a media-folder for plex it offers me some directories which are nowhere to be found on my umbrel home
  3. File Browser app starts at “storage” and won’t connect to other directories

Any help would be appreciated. Looks like some access problems.



Since no one answered and I continued making my own research. Here’s what i found and what confused me

Connecting from SSH to umbrel with umbrel@umbrel.local requires the password of your main user in Umbrel (the one which you are using to connect to the web-view)