Opening Channels Requests

Hello guys,

my node is now running 24/7. My plan is built up a strong connection on the edges of the network.


Once you open a channel to me i will open one to you :slight_smile:

From a triangle to a squareā€¦Would love to get in on this 500K loop if possible LMK @lightningpleb @climbwave @JesseJ

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I did open hex on, works well. There are plenty people who are willing to join :pray:t2:

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Thanks so much!!

Currently taking applications for anyone one that would like to join this 1M sat triangle:

Hoooly Satoshi!
Never thought that my original post about opening channels will get such traction: 600+ replies and 1700+ views and a lot of people well connected and communicating each other.
This is insane! This feels so good!
Well done guys! Keep going opening channels.


Thanks this is the guide I have been needing to see since I started my Umbrel node up a month agoā€¦ :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands:

Thanks, I am glad was helpful for so many users.
Here you have 2 other guides you should keep close in case you need them for managing your Umbrel node:
Umbrel node - getting started
Umbrel node - Troubleshooting guide

NOTE: these 2 guides are also posted in this forum, but are lost somewhere in time and also I couldnā€™t edit/update them. These links contain always the latest version with updates.

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Anybody who opens a channel with my node I will reciprocate as Iā€™m new. Thanks friends.



channel is about to open. her my node !

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Hi, just opened. Please reciprocate :slight_smile:

Hi, I do. Please connect.


Hi guys,

Australian pleb here.

Happy to open channels with anyone and reciprocate. no limit to big or small (within reason)



Hi Bowdog,

Just connected to your node. Here is mine: Cheers.



Have done.

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Have I just been a moron and opened a completely new channel to you?
Shouldnā€™t the funds show on the same channel?

I can only see one receive channel for Melbourne.

it should show as 2 channels. 1 receive and 1 send.

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Oh right thanks. I had in my head it shows as one channel.

Hi NodeFun, I opened a channel to you yesterday. Can you please open one back? Thanks!


Just getting started, and I am looking to open my 3rd & 4th channel. Please open a 500K sat with me, and I will reciprocate. I can only do two channels for now. Please reply so others can see when I am full. Thanks!
