Hi All,
I used the Lightning Termminal App the other day to do a loop out but I did not see where to choose which channel to pick to perform the loop out as that tab never presented itself? So I did a loop out anyway and it sent 250k sats to my BTC wallet after more than 1 houe. I can’t see where the 250k sats came from as there was no increase in inbound liquidity to any of our channels or a decrease in any? I realize we are advanced newbies but if anyone knows what happened and how we can possibly do a loop out properly next time we would really appreciate it.
Thank you
Hi again,
Another thing is it possible to use the Lightning Terminal’s Auto Loop feature like the CLI version can when using the Lightning Terminal App in Umbrel? I did not see where this could be done?
Thank you
Hi in lightning terminal you should be able to see your loop history and the channel peer’s alias/key, which you should be able to compare against your open channels. Let me know if that helps.
In terms of autoloop, this app is maintained by the lightning labs team so you may want to raise an issue with them on github GitHub - lightninglabs/lightning-terminal: Lightning Terminal: Your Home for Lightning Liquidity
However, I’ll try look into with the loopd implementation on terminal has this feature, and maybe you can use it from CLI on your umbrel.