How to connect to Android Apps


I have my umbrel running and I can access via umbrel.local. And now I have added the two apps Audiobookshelf and Jellyfin to listen to adudiobooks and Songs on my android phone while I am away from the house.

However I do not understand how to connect the apps on my phone to the umbrel server apps. What is the address I type for the server.

I have tried to learn about this online and read about different ports and reverse proxys being necessary but I do not understand. Could someone help me with this I could tip you in lightning.



The server address the Jellyfin and Audiobookshelf mobile apps ask for is the same as you’d put in your web browser. So like with Jellyfin, umbrel.local:8096.
However, I’ve found some devices don’t resolve hostnames for umbrel.local to work, so you can use your Umbrel’s IP address instead.
For example, if your Umbrel’s IP address is, then Jellyfin is at
You mentioned you want to access it away from the house, but a local device cannot be accessed from outside your local network. That’s where you can use something like Tailscale. It’s a service to create a mesh VPN network, which can be installed as an Umbrel app and has mobile apps. Basically, every device you install Tailscale on and login to your Tailscale account on will get an additional IP address that only other devices on your “tailnet” can access from anywhere on the Internet. Much more secure solution than opening ports to the Internet, and easier than setting up proxies.

Hi thank you for a great explanation covering both the IP address and the Tailscale.

Starting with the simplest method (without involving Tailscale yet) I have tried connecting to both Audiobookshelf and Jellyfin using my umbrels local IP address. as your example showed however it still will not connect. I’m not sure what the 8096 portion is something universal or just generic from your example. My local IP address does not have that.

also tried dropping the “s” on the https:// because I believe umbrel does not use this?

also tried just

not sure if any of it matters. Is there a setting or permission I need to grant to my umbrel? I haven’t messed with much of it since I did the new OS upgrade which required manual upgrading.

Thanks for your help could you send me a lightning address so I could tip you?

Umbrels chat customer help is not good about emailing me back with these problems.

Audiobookshelf Error:

Failed to connect server (Error: Unable to parse TLS packet header)

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It should just be the same URL as what shows in your web browser. Port 8096 is the default port for Jellyfin.
I don’t run a Bitcoin node on my Umbrel, though I do have a lightning node on, @cabeoc • Follow on Fountain where my address is