you search replace by fees. If your wallet supports the feature, you can pump your fees now.
Otherwise, you wait a bit longer until your transaction is forgotten/discarded from mempool.
Your fund then will return.
how do i tell the transaction is forgotten? because the transaction is not updating in ride the lighting anymore
Date/Time 15/Mar/2023 16:46
Label external
Amount (Sats) (515,682)
Fees (Sats) 132
Block Height 0
Confirmations 0
You have to run an abandon Tx command.
I have Umbrel too, I’m not sure how to run it there.
Otherwise, your node will keep re-broadcasting it.
Eventually it will drop, but this can take months.
I’d recommend exporting the UTXO’s from Umbrel into a different wallet where you can abandon transaction.
I’m not sure how to do this on Umbrel.
I’m having the same exact issue as you, ironically with the same fee rate - 1.02 sat/vbyte and at the same Exact time of transacting.
There was a on-chain volume spike that day.