[GUIDE] Installing charge-lnd (in a docker) to automate your fee policies

really helpful guide. thanks a lot!

I am getting the same error, have you figure it out how to solve it?

Which one, there are a few errors here that have been shared.

In any case, I’ve changed the guide so that you’ll be writing files into /mnt/data/upgrades instead, which shouldn’t be overwritten. Perhaps try that?

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I was able to fix the problem. It turned out that the config file was empty. When I upgraded Umbrel, the program should have erased the config file, so when I moved it, I didn´t move anything, I just created an empty directory instead of a config file. You can see here that the program is not reading the config file:
File “/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/charge_lnd/charge_lnd.py”, line 30, in main
config = Config(arguments.config)

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I’m about to start editing the config file and have a question. For each of the conditions in [brackets] do you have to specify the node.id? I noticed you did not do that for all of them. I am new to the command line interface. It just seems like there should be a specified condition for each node? Or not? Just curious. Thanks so much, this is a mastery for us plebs who do not regularly code.

You only need to specify node IDs if you want the rules to apply to specific node IDs. For the rest, you can set terms (channel size, number of channels of partner node, etc) which will “catch” the nodes, or have a “catch all” like I do (proportional per balance). Check the Github link with explanations, and remember that instructions are followed top to bottom, so a channel will use the rules of the first group it matches.

Suddenly the script stopped running. any ideas?

umbrel@umbrel:~ $ ~/.local/bin/charge-lnd --lnddir ~/umbrel/lnd -c ~/charge-lnd/myconfig --dry-run

nothing happens

Hey! Awesome tutorial. Everything went fine, until running the script where I didn’t see the list of channels appear. Does anyone else have the same problem?

Same problem here…

I run the docker - no errors, it just returns after 5 seconds with no output (no changes to my channels).

I figured this out… I had commented out the node.id line in the config.
I put one of my own nodes in there, then it worked… guess i’ll need to read up on config format.

Hi all!

I didn’t make it past step 2… xD

After running mkdir -p /mnt/data/upgrades/charge-lnd I get the error: mkdir: cannot create directory “/mnt/data/upgrades”: Permission denied

Any idea what I did wrong? I did ssh to my umbrel and logged in with my usual password


That happens when it was created by a different user, but you can sudo it then it’ll go through.
so that would be sudo mkdir -p /mnt/data/upgrades/charge-lnd

If you have a problem in the charge.config file (wrong syntax, something commented out), it will not run properly and will not give you any output.

Also, if you don’t have permission, add “sudo” before whatever you’re trying to do.

I can’t get by part 6

I have replaced the IP address:

docker run --rm -it --network=umbrel_main_network \
-e GRPC_LOCATION=******:10009 \
-e LND_DIR=/data/.lnd \
-e CONFIG_LOCATION=/app/charge.config \
-v /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd:/data/.lnd \
-v /mnt/data/upgrades/charge-lnd/charge.config:/app/charge.config \

and when I run this I get this error:
Could not connect to gRPC endpoint

I don’t get to see my list of channels

That seems to be the IP of your node, not the IP of your LND. It should start with 10.something

revisit the part where I explain where to get that URL.

Thanks for the great guide Lorax! Did not encounter any problems installing it. Is there any way to verify that the script is now running every hour? Logfile or something that I could check to have a peace of mind :slight_smile:

Nice work! proportional is amazing

is it posible to do min_fee until i have less than 80% in my side?

hah it did have an address starting with 10.something, i just had that there for lulz the ip of LND was copy pasted from this command

sudo nano ~/umbrel/.env

Hi guys,

When I try to run the docker, I get this error message :frowning:

Do you know how can I fix it?

docker run --rm -it --network=umbrel_main_network \

-e GRPC_LOCATION=ip:10009
-e LND_DIR=/data/.lnd
-e CONFIG_LOCATION=/app/charge.config
-v /home/umbrel/umbrel/lnd:/data/.lnd
es/charge-lnd/> -v /mnt/data/upgrades/charge-lnd/charge.config:/app/charge.config
ccumulat> accumulator/charge-lnd:latest
Error evaluating criteria for channel 697063x1742x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d07f40>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 697063x1640x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d07f40>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 699768x2406x0 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d07f40>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 700884x182x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d07f40>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 700304x1026x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d3beb0>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 698139x1403x0 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d3beb0>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 699875x2299x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d3b880>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)
Error evaluating criteria for channel 700170x2365x1 in policy ‘<charge_lnd.policy.Policy object at 0x7f89d3b880>’, ignoring channel. (Error=[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/lnd/pool-channels.txt’)

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me as well