Electrs synchronizing issue

I have added Electrs to umbrel, but it seems stuck on synchronizing.
Surely if I have an up to date version of bitcoin blockchain running, there does not need take long to synch?
It seems like its stalled.

I did check the electrs log and it says its indexing blocks…
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:01:15.534Z INFO electrs::chain] chain updated: tip=0000000000000000112f890cd2621e2335beca8cb75a8069d099ee20323986a0, height=369100
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:01:15.547Z INFO electrs::index] indexing 2000 blocks: [369101…371100]
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:03:01.803Z INFO electrs::chain] chain updated: tip=0000000000000000105b667ae09aba5ac7104810991495a402b7da92e7e61789, height=371100
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:03:01.815Z INFO electrs::index] indexing 2000 blocks: [371101…373100]
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:05:17.681Z INFO electrs::chain] chain updated: tip=000000000000000010b8b43b42eafc6fbd52621027c07f50dbffd96ba4339636, height=373100
electrs_1 | [2022-09-30T10:05:17.799Z INFO electrs::index] indexing 2000 blocks: [373101…375100]

However, when I check the Umbrel log, I see two instances of bitcoin and electrs running:

total: 26.1%
electrs: 8.8%
bitcoin: 8.1%
lightning: 7.4%
mempool: 1.5%
lnbits: 1.2%
tor: 0.2%
system: 0%
lnd: 0%
electrs: 0%
bitcoin: 0%

I have tried stopping all scripts then restarting them all, and also restarting docker, but it does not seem to make any difference.

So why does it need to synchronize if I already have a completed version of bitcoin blockchain running?
Why are there more than one instance of bitcoin and electrs running?
What should I do to try and fix this?

Thank you

Hey @BitcoinZAR :wave:!
The electrs app needs to do indexing to allow querying from other apps,
Once the Bitcoin app is fully synced with the blockchain, the electrs app starts indexing this can take around ~10hours depending on your hardware.

The multiple instances of bitcoin & electrs are a bug in the memory monitoring script, don’t consider them.
If after a day, electrs is still synchronizing then it’d be nice to check at the electrs logs:

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose electrs logs --tail=100

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Thank you for the reply.
I can see that the synchronization is happening, the % goes up, just very slowly…So things are happening.
I did not know that it took additional time to synchronize and assumed that since the bitcoin blockchain was synchronized, then Electrs would be too.
I’ll keep waiting for 100% :+1:

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