Bump Fee Amount?

I sent some Bitcoin from ThunderHub to a wallet and it appears my fee of 6 Sats was a little, OK a lot, low… 23 hours and counting! Is there a way to bump the fee to speed up the transaction?

Hi @TAC you may want to confirm on mempool.space whether this transaction has RBF flags or not.

After SSHing into your node, you can run the following command with your transaction info to bump the fee

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli wallet bumpfee --sat_per_byte <number of new sats> <txid>:<index point> (index point may be 0 or 1)

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RBF flag is lined out. I entered the command with the number of new sats set to 9 and saw some sats move out of my Lightning Node Bitcoin wallet but the transaction isn’t moving the right direction. :frowning: BTW the transaction ID is: 87ff415080cdf5987ade07746a6bcb9838da15cf9329e7390ed1ed6a736a377d.

@smolgrrr What happens if the transaction never gets confirmed, is the transaction just canceled and the BTC ends up in the original wallet?

The mempool says this should be confirmed in an hour or so!

It does seem that you were able to bump it with a CPFP transaction which is great.

@smolgrrr I’m looking at 45 confirmations! Thanks for your help! The ~$5 has shown up in my wallet, and more importantly, the 500,000+ Sats that were stuck ‘Pending’ in my Lightning Node now appear to be ‘Available’ for withdrawal.
Thanks again!

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I’m constantly amazed by how awesome and helpful this community is…I just encountered the same issue and was able to bump using Terminal commands. Thank you!


Works like a charm!!

Hello, thank you for your input. I’ve been trying to modify the fee of my transaction and I’m getting the following error.

[lncli] rpc error: code = Unknown desc = the passed output does not belong to the wallet

Do you have any idea what might be happening? Thank you for your help

@smolgrrr @TAC @Tenoch24 or anyone who successfully got this working

Hello i am seeking guidance as i opened a channel yesterday with too low of fees that is pending i understand if this transaction does not confirm and channel does not open in 2 weeks funds MAY be lost :frowning: ? Thankfully the transaction supports RBF. IF In one week if this transaction is not completed i plan to run

sudo ~/umbrel/scripts/app compose lightning exec lnd lncli wallet bumpfee --sat_per_byte <number of new sats> <txid>:<index point>

For this is a sat/vB number right so use the medimum priority number from mempool.space?

for just use the txid of the pending channel open right?

(index point may be 0 or 1) what do i use here?

ok i figured out the command to run and when trying to run it i get the following error
This script requires “docker-compose” to be installed

I have this issue, or the following error;

error code: -5
error message:
Invalid or non-wallet transaction id

But the txid is on mempool, unconfirmed and RBF is possible.

Could you help @smolgrrr ???