Hey guys!
Are there any other single board computers like Raspberry Pi that can run Umbrel?
I saw Orange Pi have nice boards, but can they run it?
Hey guys!
Are there any other single board computers like Raspberry Pi that can run Umbrel?
I saw Orange Pi have nice boards, but can they run it?
However, you’ll likely need to install differently (instead of the usual SD card method).
Most people that use Orange Pi or other SBCs first set-up debian/ubuntu on the device, and then you can just use curl -L https://umbrel.sh | bash
to set-up Umbrel.
I’m running on a passively cooled low power Intel box. First I installed Ubuntu server, configured auto updates for the OS, then ran the install script for umbrel. Works like a charm, much better compared to the average pi install because more cpu and twice the memory.
Can I use curl -L https://umbrel.sh | bash
to set-up Umbrel, after setting up Debian Bookworm 64-bit ARM (AArch64) on a Raspberry Pi 5?
Any disadvantages of setting up this way, compared to the (easier) SD card method?
Anyone has an estimate when umbrelOS compatible with Raspberry Pi 5 will be released, please?
Hey @caftans for the moment this will work perfectly fine!
It’s just a bit more of a manual set-up. I will check with the team on the Raspberry Pi 5 image status
Olá amigos sou novo neste assunto, eu tenho um OrangePi 3B, ja tentei de varias formas instalar o umbrell OS mais nao teve nenhum resultado, encontre algumas informaços de que agora já nao é mais possivel instalar sobre o umbuto poi o Umbrell agora é um sistema que deve ser instalado diretamnte na SBC porem nem mesmo atraves do RKDevTools e nem flasear com balena funcionam. alguem tem alguma soluçao para instalar na OP de alguma forma ?