Opening Channels Requests

LOOOL nice meme! Thanks!

  1. Why these people use the term “Lightning address” for node URI? Are two different things.
  2. The ghetto swap is not like they explain it there. The process for ghetto swap as I explain it in this guide is li,ke this:
  • Node A open a channel with Node B, let’s say 4M sats
  • Once is open, Node A “push” half 2M sats to Node B, using keysend (no invoice no shit, no fees, no hops).
  • Once the channel is balanced nicely 2+2M, Node B send back those 2M, onchain to Node A, to an onchain address provided by Node A.
    Simple as that.

If you do not trust the peer, you can use the MEG procedure, with BoS explained here (see at the end)