Help x newbie: install Umbrel 0.5.4

Dear all, I’m totally new to Umbrel and yesterday I tried to install it on Ubuntu through the curl command. However, I got a message saying that version 1.0 needs now to be installed as separate OS. I’d be much more comfortable with installing the previous version and use it inside Ubuntu, until I’ve familiarized with it. Could you please provide a simple guide on how to install version 0.5.4? I didn’t find any useful info online, apart from Releases · getumbrel/umbrel-os · GitHub where I can download the previous version but I don’t know how to install it on Ubuntu. Thanks a lot for your help


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Umbrel v1 Installation Script - General Discussions - Umbrel Community
Check this post, I have not tested because I already have v1 installed in using the image so I don’t know if will works.

Thanks. I read your script has been compiled for Debian, does it work in Ubuntu as well?

Ubuntu is based on Ubuntu so it should, but if I was you I would prefer to deploy a Debian using Docker and then deploy run the script, just in case.

I tried the following commands:

apt update
apt install curl
curl -L | bash

but after the last one I got this error:

curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 443 after 439 ms: Couldn’t connect to server

What can I do?

Try, is just redirecting to this script in the repository