I’m unable to edit the Advanced Settings. It’s greyed out completely. Restarted the node twice but without but problem persists. Any ideas?
Restore Default Settings gives the following error even though I’ve never even been able to edit anything:
Please fix the following errors and try again:
Invalid value for Database Sync. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Enter a valid number and choose the time unit for Payments Expiration Grace Period.
Maximum Pending Channels per Peer must be at least 0.
Minimum Channel Size must be between 1 and 16777215.
Maximum Channel Size must be between 1 and 16777215 sats when Larger Channels are disabled
Confirmations for Channel Close must be at least 1.
Invalid value for Delay Initial Reconnections. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Maximum Payment Lock-up Time must be at least 1.
Maximum Anchor Channel Commit Fee Rate must be at least 1 sat/vByte.
Invalid value for Receive Keysend Payments. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Automatic Multipath Payments. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Delete Cancelled Invoices on Startup. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Delete Cancelled Invoices in Real-time. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Circular Payment Routes. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Node Color must be a valid six character hex code
Confirmations for Channel Open must be at least 0.
Base Forwarding Fee must be at least 0.
Forwarding Fee Rate must be at least 0.
Timelock Delta must be at least 18.
Invalid value for Hybrid Mode. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Separate Tor Connections. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Watchtower Service. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Watchtower Client. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Watchtower Client Sweep Fee Rate must be at least 0.
Minimum Route Success Probability must be between 0 and 1.
Default Hop Success Probability must be between 0 and 1.
Default Probablity Weight must be between 0 and 1.
Enter a valid number and choose the time unit for Penalty Half-life.
Failed Payment Cost must be at least 0.
Proportional Failed Payment Cost must be at least 0.
Maximum Mission Control History must be at least 0.
Maximum Channel Cache Entries must be at least 1000.
Invalid value for Larger Channels. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Invalid value for Automatic Database Compaction. Please try toggling it on/off again.
Enter a valid number and choose the time unit for Database Re-compaction Delay.
Invalid value for Strict Graph Pruning. Please try toggling it on/off again.