Bitcoin Node on WiFi?

Once the blockchain has been downloaded, is it feasible to run the Bitcoin node via WiFi?

I have been for about a year (mostly) successfully on Rasp Pi 4. Downside is wifi isn’t supported by Umbrel software natively, so have to use a workaround set up via SSH. Every new software update wipes the wifi config so have to plug in to the router to SSH in and set up again. But otherwise has been really reliable with little to no issues.

I got up and running by installing PiOS64 and which includes a basic text GUI to configure WiFi afterwards if you didn’t previously use a wpa_supplicant file. Since I installed Umbrel via CURL, I’m hoping when I update from 0.5.4 to 1.2 (when it becomes available) it goes smoothly and won’t break anything. Last thing I want to do is download the blockchain all over again! :face_vomiting:

Did’t realize you could set up Umbrel that way… actually sounds much easer to manage. Unfortunately the wpa_supplicant file trick stopped working with Umbrel 1.0 using the flashed-SD card method so had to resort to an SSH fix, but sounds like that won’t be an issue with your setup🤞🏻

Hey folks, the first public beta of umbrelOS 1.2 officially brings Wi-Fi support. To test out the update on an existing Umbrel, go to Settings > Advanced settings, and enable umbrelOS Beta Program. You’ll then see “umbrelOS 1.2 Beta 1” being available for update. After update, you can connect to your Wi-Fi from Settings > Wi-Fi.

To test it out on a new device, just download the relevant OS image for your device from our GitHub release: Release umbrelOS 1.2 Beta 1 · getumbrel/umbrel · GitHub

Please keep us posted with how it goes for you!