2 BTC nodes icons

Hi there, why i have 2 btc nodes icon? Both incons are paralel goes to same node. In system options is btc strange too.

Hey, it sounds like a duplicate icon glitch, which shouldn’t happen. Try restarting Umbrel. Sometimes that helps.

You can also SSH into Umbrel and run docker ps to check for duplicate containers.

Thx, i tryed restart first long time ago, without effect. So i will try docker.

I see only one bitcoind containers running… a do not see any duplicated containers.

Hello, i also have the same problem, i have 2 BTC nodes icons with another 2 Nextcloud icons, but i noticed that after i restarted my Pi it added a new duplicated icon, now i have 3 BTC node and 3 Nextcloud icons, but it doesnt affect funcionality because when you click anyone of these it runs perfectly the program, strange enough, it doesnt affect the other programs i have installed

[quote=“paax, post:1, topic:19843, full:true”]
Hi there, why i have 2 btc nodes icon? Both incons are paralel goes to same node. In system options is btc strange too.
