Partition in UmbrelOS 1.2.0 Beta 2

I don’t remember if it was like this in other versions, but here I had an error that I didn’t have when installing the “normal” versions.
When installing it separates between several partitions, but something peculiar happens between /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda4 while sda4 takes all the space, sda2 is limited to 9gb, when you reach that limit you can’t even update things, everything is part of the same unit but there is this little bug that I didn’t understand exactly until now

the /data partition (sda4) is supposed to be the one being used for all you app data. The sda2 partition shouldn’t be used. The apps automatically install into sda4.
What exactly are you doing to take up all the space in sda2? Are you not using the web GUI to install the apps?
Please specify exactly what you did.

All dockers were installed through the Umbrel GUI, but after installing a non-beta version and then updating it, I realized that sda2 does not exist but sda3 does. So I don’t know if there is a bug causing version 1.2.0 beta 2 when installing it directly or not, it seems that the files uploaded to nextcloud were going to sda2, now coming from the base version to the beta this behavior did not happen.

in this new print it shows the before and after uploading a file to nextcloud grandson, I believe it is now normal.