Core Lightning Node - Unconfirmed transaccion but in mempool reemplacement and confirmed

“In mempool, the transaction has been replaced, but in Core Lightning Node (CLN), it is still not confirmed.”

umbrel@umbrel:~$ docker exec -it core-lightning_lightningd_1 lightning-cli listfunds
“outputs”: [
“txid”: “112887638bd7b014d670917981ada7031aca71b7c26b8103fe5f4ceb39437b5c”,
“output”: 1,
“amount_msat”: 25000000,
“scriptpubkey”: “512040bc9b6a7bf74ffbe141c2d471f790031ef6efd5d9159c5eda10bdf6fa40ca5c”,
“address”: “bc1pgz7fk6nm7a8lhc2pct28rausqv00dm74my2echk6zz7ld7jqefwq9xvuss”,
“status”: “unconfirmed”,
“reserved”: false



To resolve the issue of unconfirmed transactions and update the internal state of Core Lightning, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Core Lightning configuration file: nano /umbrel/app-data/core-lightning/data/config
  2. Add the following line to enable developer commands: developer
  3. Restart the Core Lightning container to apply the changes: docker restart core-lightning_lightningd_1
  4. Rescan the outputs to update the UTXO state: docker exec -it core-lightning_lightningd_1 lightning-cli dev-rescan-outputs
  5. Finally, check the updated funds and balances: docker exec -it core-lightning_lightningd_1 lightning-cli listfunds

This procedure successfully updated the UTXO state and resolved the issue.